

By Adam Grant

Are you destined to do something truly great with your business and life? Adam Grant has written Originals so you can follow in the footsteps of those who've blazed the trails before you
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By Heidi Grant Halvorson

Setting goals is the easy part, but often the part we get wrong. Learn the scientifically proven way to set your goals so that you actually achieve them. Start by watching this video now!
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Little Bets

By Peter Sims

Steve Jobs, Chris Rock, Frank Gehry, Pixar films and an Army Chief all know that small discoveries and insights can be the fuel that transforms an era. So start small, think small, and aim big.
by mcnpAfkdxd

Brains on Fire

By Geno Church

Despite your worst efforts there are communities of people already talking about your product. This book debuts some simple, practical ways to harness that multitude of goodness.
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By Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Contrarians rejoice: we've found your rulebook. From the makers of Basecamp and Highrise, comes a new kind of manifesto. Settle in for an infectious dose of radical reimagining.
by mcnpAfkdxd

Wooden on Leadership

By John Wooden

Legendary basketball coach John Wooden says that how we run the race of life and business — our planning, preparation, practice, and performance - count for everything. Winning is an after effect.
by mcnpAfkdxd