
The Coaching Habit

By Michael Bungay Stanier

The Coaching Habit covers seven questions that will break you out of the vicious circles of over-dependent teammates, overwhelming amounts of work, and disconnection from the work that matters.
by mcnpAfkdxd


By Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz wanted to build a great, enduring company: a balance between revenues and relationships. The result was Starbucks. Join us to find out what we can learn from the Starbucks story.
by mcnpAfkdxd


By David Soberman & Dilip Soman

The landscape of customer interaction is in a state of flux. Customer data costs are dropping, and deep dive segmentation is easier than ever. We need tools and techniques to address this flux.
by mcnpAfkdxd

The Culture Game

By Daniel Mezick

Daniel Mezick believes that organisations that learn fast can outflank their competitors. Teams that learn quickly are more adaptive...and adaptability gets better results by responding to change.
by mcnpAfkdxd